Tuesday 8 October 2013

Yarndale 2013


I have finally found the time and the energy to report on my fantastic time at Yarndale 2013 in Skipton.

My journey to Yarndale started on the Friday before. I travelled up to mums in Yorkshire by train. I was very nervous because I had not left the little people at home with Dad for a full weekend before. But still EXCITING!!
I stayed at mums on Friday and we travelled by car to Skipton and stayed in a local hotel, Rendezvous. It wasn't my first choice, but it was my only choice!!! I tried to book an hotel constantly for about 2 months prior to the festival, but it was either fully booked or you needed a small loan to stay!! The Thursday before we managed to get an hotel, the last room!!!
When we arrived at around 10am. We parked up at the hotel and had a lovely walk along the canal into town. It was so idyllic and peaceful.
(By the way I am watching Great British Bake Off, so you may get the odd cookery word thrown in somewhere!!)
So, when we get into town, we said we would grab a coffee and head off up the Auction mart, where the festival was being held.
Oh boy, we got looking in one shop, then another and then we found ourselves saying 'lets just pop down here before we go'. Well, hours and money past!! We thought we could go to the festival on the Sunday because not all shops in town will open on a Sunday!! Oh the planning.
We walked along the bridge and spotted another lovely area for shops and eating places, gorg!!
So, whilst we were here I jumped on my mobile to try and find out where 'Coopers coffee shop' is.
This is the place where Lucy from Attic 24  as her Studio.
After a few curse words, I finally admitted defeat and asked a local shop owner. Ta dah!!
I am a bit shy when it comes to taking photos and because people where peacefully enjoying a coffee outside, I couldn't take a photo. But . . .
I sneaked through the café and found a little door and at the bottom of the steps I saw this sign 'The Studio' (Not very clear, but I was having palpitations at this point)
When I got inside , I was frozen to the spot. I felt like I was on a scene of a movie. I was star struck. I was giddy, tearful (not sure why!!). I wanted to sit in Lucys Lloyd Loom chair and start hooking!!! It was just how it looks on her blog. Beautiful!!
 I looked for Lucy, but just has I thought, she was at Yarndale. But her friend from Patchwork Chicken was there and had a little look around and got a little jealous!!
Anyway, we tore ourselves away from the quint shops and jumped in a taxi up to Yarndale (because we couldn't work out where to catch the free shuttle bus!!)
Off we go, getting more excited, not quite sure what we would find. Oh the anticipation . . . Eeeek!!
As soon as we arrived in the car park we were excited. Strings of Granny Bunting (that people had sent in from all over the world) and other crocheted and knitting decorations. Just take a look at these beautiful, colourful creations!!
Yarn ball and needles. Beautiful hanging Granny Bunting

Crocheted balls: Hanging fruit

More Granny Bunting dressing the trees
Because I had made some Granny Bunting and sent it off to be hung at yarndale, I had to search for it before we went in. I couldn't find, soooo sad :-(
We bought our tickets, £5, BARGAIN!!!!



This was so over whelming. I couldn't believe how many people from around the world had sent there crochet work in to hang here. Even those that weren't attending!! I slowly walked down to find my Granny triangles, but how could I possibly ever find it in this lot!!

I started to forget what it looked like . . . Oh yes I remember . . .

LIKE THIS (well one of them)
I was so happy I found one of them at least!!
Lets get into the main event.
It was packed and hot.
Each person had a cattle stall, which was a clever use of space. You could walk into the space, touch and BUY!!!
I didn't take pictures of peoples stalls, I thought it was unfair.
I will tell you soon about what I bought, a bit of this and a bit of that!!!
I then spotted the . . .
more bunting.
We walked through and saw people, in the seats, knitting and well nattering. Brill.
We saw Lucy's corner. There she was chatting to loads of people. People waiting to talk to her. Again, I was star struck. I dare not go and talk to her because I wasn't sure what to say. Probably the same as everbody else!!!
 I sat and people watched and rested to take it all in.
Missing the kids and the man!!
Spending money!!
Spending quality time with my mum!!
Beautiful display Lucy

We went off for more shopping and more ooooh n aaahhhhh!!!

Look at this cute little fellows. These are alpacas and are here to show case their beautiful yarn they produce. It was sooooo soft, but specialist and I'm not sure how to work it.

I found 2 more of my Granny bunting. People would look at me has I shrieked 'aaaghh I found another one'
Look at the size of this hook, I would get wrist ache using that!!!
It's getting to the end of the day, getting tired. We have yet to check into the hotel and get dinner.
Lets find the Yarndale shuttle bus . . .
Pee bo, I see it set in that beautiful scenery!!
We get on and are in a giddy mood! But love how they have decorated the inside.

After a unrested night in the hotel!! We headed into town again. This time we drove, not knowing there was a puppet parade today. Glad we got there early for the parking.
After a bit more shopping!!!!! Oooppppss!!
We headed to the local town park to find the beautiful Yarn bombing that Lucy had  been busy with.

This is Lucy's piece of beautiful art work. It is amazing and so imaginative!!

More beautiful pieces of work, but i'm not sure how I would feel it being hung in some railings after all the hard work gone into them.
We decided to head back to the car and make our way back to mums. I had the train to Shrewsbury to get through yet. Estimated arrival time . . . 6.50pm. YUK. The good outways the bad though!!
Anyway, on the way back to the car, we took a quite, calming walk along the canal.

Well, that is my blog about Yarndale 2013.
I will be there next year, bring it on!!!!
(I may even have a stall!!!)